Jan 5, 2024

Tomorrow our favorite Congressional flame thrower, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was planning to host a meet and greet to commemorate the third anniversary of January 6th. That is until the venue, the Westgate Resorts in Kissimmee, FL found out what the event was truly about. Once that happened, they cancelled the event. They were originally told it would be a small book signing event featuring Greene. (I wonder if her book is found in the bookstore among other works of fiction?) This is yet another example of the type of disinformation, lying and obfuscation that has become a common tactic from the Republican playbook. No doubt Majorie will recover from this minor setback and perhaps decide to host a future party to pay tribute to Benedict Arnold!

There never seems to be a shortage of news surrounding Trump and the Republicans. It has come to light that the Trump Organization took in almost $8 million from foreign governments while Trump was in office which would seem to fly squarely against the emolument rules governing U.S. officials. And that amount could be larger because James Comer, Republican Chair of the House Oversight Committee, stopped an investigation into Trump’s business dealings that was already underway when the Republicans took control of the House. Instead, he launched an investigation into Biden which has turned up zero evidence of any wrongdoing despite throwing out intriguing sound bites to Fox News and their ilk.

So, here we are once again. There is clear, hard evidence against Trump that, in a normal world, would trigger at least an investigation. However, we will witness the Republican leadership twist themselves into pretzels to rationalize and defend Trump while accusing Biden of crimes with zero evidence. The corruption, chaos and total lack of integrity that has spread throughout the Republican party like a pandemic is astounding. Just as an interesting aside, it was Nixon’s own Republican party that ultimately forced him to resign. It will obviously be a cold day in hell before the current Republican party ever finds enough courage and integrity to stand up to Trump and hold him accountable.

Trump, quite frankly, is like a petulant, spoiled child and the purpose to the checks and balance design of our government is to let Congress and the Supreme Court act somewhat like parents in providing guidance and discipline. And we all know what happens when a child is not properly disciplined and gets their way every time they throw a tantrum or act like a bully – they get worse. The irony is that the current Republican Party wants to tell every parent in America what care they can provide to their child, what books are appropriate for their children, what should be taught to the children in school, and what they can expose their child to but are absolutely incapable of providing simple discipline to the worst brat on the playground – Donald Trump!

By Mike

I am retired after spending 30+ years in the defense industry. I am an avid bicyclist, Harley rider, skier, and world traveler. I really became interested in politics during the last few years but have enjoyed writing on many different topics for a long time. Some people agree with me, some don't and that is fine. My 'musings' are simply an outlet for me.

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