March 12, 2024

The clown show that used to be known as the Republican Party continues to amaze the world at how craven and crass they have become. It’s like Donald Trump himself, who is known far and wide for his outlandish behavior and rhetoric, gathered up the entire remaining flock of Republicans and gave them a master class in buffoonery!

The recent examples are an embarrassment to anyone who has any semblance of a moral compass and shred of decency. It started with the Queen Buffoon, Marjorie Taylor Greene, all dressed in her MAGA hat (strictly against House rules!) heckling Joe Biden. She is just an out and out embarrassment to the House of Representatives. Given a choice, I’d even prefer lying George Santos over Greene. Greene’s only claim to fame is that she has a really big mouth and a very small brain.

Then there was the “memorable’ rebuttal to Biden’s SOTU address by Senator Katie Britt which could have been a scene cut from the dystopian television series, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” I have never witnessed anything so bizarre. It actually begs the question: Is Katie Britt real? Or is she a new Republican robot? A GOP Stepford Wife if you will. If that is the case, they certainly need to work on the Artificial Intelligence software because it had major bugs. If she is real, she needs to grab onto that shiny cross dangling around her neck and pray for a new job in the Republican circus. Public speaking is not her strong suit, nor is acting for that matter!

Most recently there was the Republican fund raiser in Kansas where they dressed up a martial arts dummy with a “Let’s Go Brandon” T-shirt and a mask of President Biden and let people pay money to pummel it with fists, feet and even a baseball bat. What the hell is wrong with these people? And, even worse, most of the people participating in this type of crass nonsense probably view themselves as God-fearing, Christian icons of virtue who give themselves a license to judge everyone else from up on their lofty, self-righteous perch!

 And now, driving the RNC clown bus is Michael Whatley, who has been a vocal advocate for Trump’s election lies and Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. They have both said that their number one priority is going to be ‘election integrity’ which is really rich given that Trump tried to steal the last election. What they really mean is to figure out how they can manipulate things for the upcoming 2024 election so Trump wins, regardless of the voting. So, if you think the examples cited above are embarrassing and disgusting, just wait, there is more clownmanship to come! We are watching a full-blown circus. It would actually be amusing if the stakes weren’t so high.

By Mike

I am retired after spending 30+ years in the defense industry. I am an avid bicyclist, Harley rider, skier, and world traveler. I really became interested in politics during the last few years but have enjoyed writing on many different topics for a long time. Some people agree with me, some don't and that is fine. My 'musings' are simply an outlet for me.

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